kindly run the script below, I have created a Sankey chart in R and plotly using data from \"patients\" dataset of the bupaR library. Please see the snapshot for reference.
This should do it
sankeyData <- patients %>%
group_by(employee,handling) %>%
sankeyNodes <- list(label = c(sankeyData$employee,sankeyData$handling))
trace2 <- list(
domain = list(
x = c(0, 1),
y = c(0, 1)
link = list(
label = paste0("Case",1:nrow(sankeyData)),
source = sapply(sankeyData$employee,function(e) {which(e == sankeyNodes$label) }, USE.NAMES = FALSE) - 1,
target = sapply(sankeyData$handling,function(e) {which(e == sankeyNodes$label) }, USE.NAMES = FALSE) - 1,
value = sankeyData$n
node = list(label = sankeyNodes$label),
type = "sankey"
data2 <- list(trace2)
p <- plot_ly()
p <- add_trace(p, domain=trace2$domain, link=trace2$link,
node=trace2$node, type=trace2$type)