I am having trouble figuring out the solution to this and am starting to get very frustrated with it.
I have a pause button and an unpause button in my game scene to
As the member above me said the player is not really moving 2 spaces.
Also you should maybe change your strategy when pausing your game, because pausing the scene.view makes it very hard to add SpriteKit elements afterwards.
I think a better way is to create a worldNode in your GameScene and add all the sprites that need to be paused to that worldNode. It basically gives you more flexibility pausing a node rather than the whole scene.
First create a world node property
let worldNode = SKNode()
and add it to the scene in ViewDidLoad
Than add all the sprites you need paused to the worldNode
Create a global enum for your game states
enum GameState {
case Playing
case Paused
case GameOver
static var current = GameState.Playing
Than make a pause and resume func in your game scene
func pause() {
GameState.current = .Paused
// show pause menu etc
func resume() {
GameState.current = .Playing
self.physicsWorld.speed = 1
worldNode.paused = false
And finally add the actual pause code to your updateMethod. This way it will not resume the game even if spriteKit itself tries to resume (e.g. reopened app, dismissed alert etc)
override func update(currentTime: CFTimeInterval) {
if GameState.current == .Paused {
self.physicsWorld.speed = 0
worldNode.paused = true
In regards to your tapGesture recogniser, in the method that gets called after a tap you can add this before the rest of the code
guard GameState.current != .Paused else { return }
Hope this helps