I have updated to neo4j 2.0 and I am currently becoming desperate trying to edit the web admin stylesheets for my graph. There was a comfortable styles editor in the old ver
In Neo4j 2.0.0 you cannot edit the stylesheet inplace. Instead you have to download the stylesheet using the download symbol right to the caption text "Graph Style Sheet". Edit the downloaded file locally using your favourite editor and use drag & drop it to the designated drop area.
Once you download the stylesheet it's pretty easy to open the text file in an editor. You just have to look up color codes per your preferences. for example:
node {
diameter: 40px; #you can change this value to your size preference for diameter of the node
color: #DFE1E3; #this is the value that you need to google.
border-color: #D4D6D7; # same as above
border-width: 2px; #width of node border
text-color-internal: #000000; #pretty obvious
caption: '{Date}';
font-size: 14px; #also obvious
relationship {
color: #D4D6D7;
shaft-width: 1px;
font-size: 4px;
padding: 3px;
text-color-external: #000000;
text-color-internal: #FFFFFF;
Here is a good reference for HTML color values