I have an ASP.NET controller where every single method will have a shared parameter. With attribute routing, I can add this parameter in the controller\'s route.
As Hooman Bahreini said , you could customize a action filter that inherits ActionFilterAttribute and use it as a attribute on the controller .In Asp.net core , ActionArguments
replaces ActionParameters
public class ValidateNameParameterAttribute: ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
if (filterContext.ActionArguments.ContainsKey("name"))
string name = filterContext.ActionArguments["name"] as string;
if(name!=null && name.Length>10)
filterContext.Result = new BadRequestObjectResult("The length of name must not exceed 10");
For more details on Filters in ASP.NET Core , you could refer to here .
You can do this using a custom action filter to validate the name parameter:
public class ValidateNameParameterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
if (filterContext.ActionParameters.ContainsKey(name))
// the trick is to get the parameter from filter context
string name = filterContext.ActionParameters[name] as string;
// validate name
if (/*name is not valid*/)
// you may want to redirect user to error page when input parameter is not valid
filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult(/*urlToRedirectForError*/);
Now you can apply the filter to your controller, or specific actions:
[ValidateNameParameter] // <-- execute this for all actions in the controller
public class ExampleController : ControllerBase
public string Sample([StringLength(10)][FromRoute]string name)
public string GetDefaults([StringLength(10)][FromRoute]string name)
// [ValidateNameParameter] // <-- execute for this specific action
public string Sample([StringLength(10)][FromRoute]string name, [FromRoute]string id)
See this tutorial for more information.