So need to check if a string\'s characters are ascending alphabetically and if that ascent is evenly spaced.
a = \"abc\"
b = \"ceg\"
So a i
without itertools
>>> a = 'abc'
>>> ords = [ord(c) for c in a]
>>> ords == sorted(ords)
>>> diffs = set()
>>> for i in range(len(ords) -1): diffs.add(ords[i] - ords[i+1])
>>> len(diffs) == 1
>>> from itertools import product
>>> from string import lowercase
>>> a="abc"
>>> any(a in lowercase[i::j+1] for i,j in product(range(26),repeat=2))
>>> b="ceg"
>>> any(b in lowercase[i::j+1] for i,j in product(range(26),repeat=2))
>>> c="longer"
>>> any(c in string.lowercase[i::j+1] for i,j in product(range(26),repeat=2))
>>> d="bdfhj"
>>> any(d in string.lowercase[i::j+1] for i,j in product(range(26),repeat=2))
It's not necessary to use product, and a little more efficient to do it this way
>>> any(a in string.lowercase[i::j+1] for i in range(26) for j in range(26-i))
A non intuitive approach in handling this
>>> somestring = "aceg"
>>> len(set([ord(y)-ord(x) for (x,y) in zip(*(iter(somestring),) * 2) if y > x]))==1
The concept is to create the difference of subsequent element and see if the difference is consistent. For that I create a set and determine if the length is 1
in which case the order is preserved. Also to ensure that the series
only hints for home work,,,
you can try to make use of something from this
In [100]: z = 'abc'
In [101]: [ord(x) for x in z]
Out[101]: [97, 98, 99]
then there can be several logics to check if the elements are evenly spaced :)