\"name\": \"Summer\",
\"version\": \"1.0\",
\"manifest_version\": 2,
\"description\": \"This is an addition extensio
You've got manifest_version : 2
in your manifest, so please go read about the changes it introduces....
You got in the console Refused to execute inline event handler because of Content-Security-Policy
, because of the onclick event handler in your html (<input type="button" value="Hesapla" onclick="hesaplama()" />
). With manifest version 2 this isnt allowed, you need to attach the event listner from your js code and not in the html.
Here's a working version of your code....
<!doctype html>
<title>Getting Started Extension's Popup</title>
<!-- JavaScript and HTML must be in separate files for security. -->
<script src="popup.js"></script>
<form name="form">
<div id="sayi1">Sayı 1 : <input type = "text" name="deger1"></div>
<div id="sayi2">Sayı 2 : <input type = "text" name="deger2"></div>
<div id="sonuc">Sonuç : <input type = "text" name="cevap"></div>
<div id="button"><input type="button" value="Hesapla" /></div>
function hesaplama()
var sayı1 = window.document.form.deger1.value;
var sayı2 = window.document.form.deger2.value;
var toplam = (parseFloat(sayı1) + parseFloat(sayı2)) ;
window.document.form.cevap.value = toplam;
window.onload = function(){