I have created a Form
that I wish to have serve as the base from which I will inherit other forms. This base form serves as a \
This is a technical restriction in the designer, it is specific to the SplitContainer control you are using. And some other ones. The trouble-maker is the ISupportInitialize interface.
Controls use this interface when they can't afford the properties of the control to be assigned in an arbitrary order. The designer helps when it sees that the control implements this interface, it calls the BeginInit() method when it starts assigning properties, EndInit() when it is done. The control uses these methods to delay the side-effect of property assignments, the EndInit() method makes them effective. Important for SplitContainer, the minimum sizes of the panels also affect the splitter position.
Perhaps you can see the rub, the InitializeComponent() method in the base form class has already called ISupportInitialize.EndInit(). So modifying properties again in the derived form class is unlikely to turn out well. The designer protects the control from this by locking it.
Very inconvenient, there is no simple workaround. If modifying the SplitContainer in the derived form class is a hard requirement then you'll have to give up on inheriting it or write the code by hand in the derived class constructor.