First lets define a \"URL\" according to my requirements.
The only protocols optionally allowed are http://
and https://
then a man
As a starting point you can use this one, it's for JS, but it's easy to convert it to work for PHP preg_match
For PHP should work this one:
$reg = '@^(https?\://)?(www\.)?([a-z0-9]([a-z0-9]|(\-[a-z0-9]))*\.)+[a-z]+$@i';
This regexp anyway validates only the domain part, but you can work on this or split the url at the 1st slash '/'
(after "://"
) and validate separately the domain part and the rest.
BTW: It would validate also ""
but this is not an error because a subdomain url could be like: ""
and it's valid! And there is almost no way (or at least no operatively easy way) to validate for proper domain tld with a regex because you would have to write inline into your regex all possible domain tlds ONE BY ONE like this:
(this last one for instance would validate only domain ending with .com/.net/.de/.it/ New tlds always come out, so you would have to adjust you regex everytimne a new tld comes out, that's a pain in the neck!
It may vary but in most of the cases you don't really need to check the validity of any URL.
If it's a vital information and you trust your user enough to let him give it through a URL, you can trust him enough to give a valid URL.
If it isn't a vital information, then you just have to check for XSS attempts and display the URL that the user wanted.
You can add manually a "http://" if you don't detect one to avoid navigation problems.
I know, I don't give you an alternative as a solution, but maybe the best way to solve performance & validity problems is just to avoid unnecessary checks.
You could use parse_url to break up the address into its components. While it's explicitly not built to validate a URL, analyzing the resulting components and matching them against your requirements would at least be a start.