Someone\'s just asked me how to list all the virtual environments created with venv
I could only think of searching for pyvenv.cfg files to find them.
On Linux/macOS this should get most of it
find ~ -d -name "site-packages" 2>/dev/null
Looking for directories under your home that are named "site-packages" which is where venv
puts its pip-installed stuff. the /dev/null bit cuts down on the chattiness of things you don't have permission to look into.
Or you can look at the specifics of a particular expected file. For example, activate
has nondestructive
as content. Then you need to look for a pattern than matches venv but not anaconda and the rest.
find ~ -type f -name "activate" -exec egrep -l nondestructive /dev/null {} \; 2>/dev/null