Is there an equivalent to Oracle\'s External Table in SQL Server ?
An external table is a table which is mapped to a flat-file in the filesystem.
It is v
Upgrade to sql server 2016 to get what you need.
You need to create external links. Creating a linked server using the Text IISAM is one. You may also check this link:(
Harold Javier's answer is a good one,
but you might also want to consider using OPENROWSET with the BULK
It is different from the external table because you don't "create" a table but more of a query.
It should look something like this:
FROM OPENROWSET( BULK 'your_data_file', FORMATFILE = 'your_format_file.fmt') AS et
Instead of giving the format in the table definition (as in oracle), you should add a fmt
Here is how to create it