Is there a way to use VSTS Variable Groups per environment?

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南笙 2020-12-11 19:56

I\'m moving my configuration from using web.config transforms to being based on VSTS variables. I get process variables, you define a variable, pick an environment, and you

  • 2020-12-11 20:17

    I ended up using a powershell script to define my process variable based on the variable groups, it works great.

    Let's say I want a variable named "LoggingConnectionString" and this has different values per environment


    1. Define a Variable group, e.g. "SharedLoggingVariables"
    2. Inside this Variable group, define a variable/value for each environment, e.g. "LoggingConnectionStringDev", "LoggingConnectionStringProduction"
    3. Back in your Process Variables for the Build/Release, make SURE you don't have a variable named "LoggingConnectionString", otherwise this will overwrite the value coming from the variable group
    4. In your Release process, create a Powershell inline script at the beginning of the Agent with the following code

    Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=LoggingConnectionString]$LoggingConnectionString"
    1. Pass your variable group as an argument to this inline powershell, e.g.

      -LoggingConnectionString "$(LoggingConnectionStringDev)"

    The final powershell step should look something like this:

    During release, the powershell will set your process variable from the variable groups. If powershell isn't an option for you, there are other options

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  • 2020-12-11 20:33

    This has now been implemented in VSTS variable groups as scopes. Go to your release definition -> Variables -> Variable Groups -> Link variable group, and you get the link window as below, where you can choose the scope to be either release or one or more of your environments!

    I did not manage to find any release information on this feature, I just stumbled upon it as I was tweaking my releases.

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  • 2020-12-11 20:34

    No, there is no way to use variable Groups per environment.

    As the user voice you linked, you can vote and follow up for the suggested feature.

    The work around for now is using environment variables to overwrite the variables in variable Group.

    Assume the variable LoggingConnectionString with the value Server=myDB in variable group need to be used both for Dev environment and staging environment. But for staging environment, it needs to use another value (such as Server=stageDB) from the variable LoggingConnectionString. So you can add the an environment variable LoggingConnectionString with the value Server=stageDB for staging environment.

    • When the variable $(LoggingConnectionString) is used in Dev environment, it will use the value (Server=myDB) defined in variable group.

    • When the variable $(LoggingConnectionString) is used in staging environment, since the variables both defined in environment variable and variable group, it will use the value (Server=stageDB) defined in environment variable.

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