I have a question about using jasmine with Grunt. I keep getting an error,
ReferenceError: Can\'t find variable: require at
whenever I run
The solution that @user3741597 is suggesting might work, but it is a bit of a backwards solution.
"grunt-template-jasmine-requirejs" was written for RequireJS, which is an AMD loader. On the other hand, you are using CommonJS syntax. If you want to continue to use "grunt-contrib-jasmine", then you need to find a CommonJS template, or else use the information that Jasmine has node support built-in and take a different approach.
This post may help as well.
I had the same problem. Just install this node package and add this line to your Gruntfile and require should start working again.
jasmine: {
js: {
src: jsFiles,
options: {
specs: 'tests/*_spec.js',
helpers: 'tests/helpers/*',
vendor: 'vendor/*',
template: require('grunt-template-jasmine-requirejs')
Leading on from the solution by @justin-helmer, there is a template that allows you to use require calls (CommonJS syntax) with grunt-contrib-jasmine:
An example of grunt config using this:
jasmine: {
options: {
template: require('grunt-template-jasmine-nml'),
helpers: 'spec/helpers/**/*.js',
specs: 'spec/**/*.spec.js'