I\'m having trouble compiling an exe while using cx_freeze and scipy. In particular, my script uses
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
I add the same problem and solved it using fepzzz method and including some missing packages:
additional_mods = ['numpy.matlib', 'multiprocessing.process']
includefiles = [(r'C:\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\scipy')]
setup(xxx, options={'build_exe': {'includes': additional_mods, 'include_files': includefiles}})
And using version 5.0.2 of cx-Freeze package, which solved an error when importing multiprocessing.process
i have had the same issue. I added this code to the setup.py
generated by cx_freeze:
import scipy
scipy_path = dirname(scipy.__file__)
Then, used includefiles_list
as part of the build_exe parameter:
build_options = dict(packages=[], include_files=includefiles_list)
setup(name="foo", options=dict(build_exe=build_options))