I\'m trying to read in a dataframe created via df.to_json()
via pd.read_json
but I\'m getting a ValueError
. I think it may have to do
This is not implemented ATM, see the issue here: https://github.com/pydata/pandas/issues/4889.
You can simply reset the index first, e.g
and it will work.
Or you can just write json with orient = 'table'
df.to_json(path_or_buf='test.json', orient='table')
read multi_index json
pd.read_json('test.json', orient='table')
if you want to return MultiIndex structure:
# save MultiIndex indexes names
indexes_names = df.index.names
# return back MultiIndex structure:
loaded_df = pd.read_json('dump.json').set_index(indexes_names)