Make SQL Select same row multiple times

后端 未结 11 2142
南方客 2020-12-11 16:02

I need to test my mail server. How can I make a Select statement that selects say ID=5469 a thousand times.

  • 2020-12-11 16:44

    You can use the UNION ALL statement.

    Try something like:

    SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE ID = 5469
    SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE ID = 5469

    You'd have to repeat the SELECT statement a bunch of times but you could write a bit of VB code in Access to create a dynamic SQL statement and then execute it. Not pretty but it should work.

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  • 2020-12-11 16:47

    The easy way is to create a table with 1000 rows. Let's call it BigTable. Then you would query for the data you want and join it with the big table, like this:

    SELECT MyTable.*
    FROM MyTable, BigTable
    WHERE MyTable.ID = 5469
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  • 2020-12-11 16:54

    create table #tmp1 (id int, fld varchar(max)) insert into #tmp1 (id, fld) values (1,'hello!'),(2,'world'),(3,'nice day!')

    select * from #tmp1 go

    select * from #tmp1 where id=3 go 1000

    drop table #tmp1

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  • 2020-12-11 16:56

    Here's a way of using a recursive common table expression to generate some empty rows, then to cross join them back onto your desired row:

    declare @myData table (val int) ;
    insert @myData values (666),(888),(777) --some dummy data
    ;with cte as
        select 100 as a
        union all
        select a-1 from cte where a>0 
            --generate 100 rows, the max recursion depth
    ,someRows as
    select top 1000 0 a from cte,cte x1,cte x2 
           --xjoin the hundred rows a few times
           --to generate 1030301 rows, then select top n rows
    select m.* from @myData m,someRows where m.val=666

    substitute @myData for your real table, and alter the final predicate to suit.

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  • 2020-12-11 16:58

    easy way...

    This exists only one row into the DB

    sku = 52 , description = Skullcandy Inkd Green ,price = 50,00

    Try to relate another table in which has no constraint key to the main table

    Original Query

    SELECT  Prod_SKU , Prod_Descr , Prod_Price FROM  dbo.TB_Prod WHERE Prod_SKU = N'52'

    The Functional Query ...adding a not related table called 'dbo.TB_Labels'

    SELECT TOP ('times')  Prod_SKU , Prod_Descr , Prod_Price FROM  dbo.TB_Prod,dbo.TB_Labels WHERE Prod_SKU = N'52'
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-11 16:59

    If your are doing this in sql Server

    declare @cnt int
    set @cnt = 0
    while @cnt < 1000
        select '12345'
        set @cnt = @cnt + 1

    select '12345' can be any expression

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