Sorry if I don\'t write good, it\'s my first post.
I have a list in one file with the name, id, marks etc of students (see below):
And I want to calculate th
In pure BASH solution, could you please try following once.
while read first second third fourth fifth sixth
if [[ "$first" =~ (^#) ]]
val=$(echo "(${#count}+1)" | bc)
echo "scale=2; (${sixth//,/+})/$val" | bc
done < "Input_file"
awk 'NR>1{n=split($NF,a,",");for(i=1;i<=n;i++){s+=a[i]} ;print $1,s/n;s=0}' input
athos 3.875
porthos 3.5
aramis 3
For all the lines except header(NR>1
will filter out header) , pick up the last column and split into smaller numbers by comma. Using for loop
sum the value of all the marks and then divid by the total subject number.
Something like (untested)
awk '{ n = split($6, a, ","); total=0; for (v in a) total += a[v]; print total / n }' main_list