How can I open multiple files (number of files unknown beforehand) using “with open” statement?

前端 未结 3 657
广开言路 2020-12-11 12:03

I specifically need to use with open statement for opening the files, because I need to open a few hundred files together and merge them using K-way merge. I un

  • 2020-12-11 12:22

    It's fairly easy to write your own context manager to handle this by using the built-in contextmanger function decorator to define "a factory function for with statement context managers" as the documentation states. For example:

    from contextlib import contextmanager
    def multi_file_manager(files, mode='rt'):
        """ Open multiple files and make sure they all get closed. """
        files = [open(file, mode) for file in files]
        yield files
        for file in files:
    filenames = 'file1', 'file2', 'file3'
    with multi_file_manager(filenames) as files:
        a = files[0].readline()
        b = files[2].readline()
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  • 2020-12-11 12:24
    with open(...) as f: 
        # do stuff 

    translates roughly to

    f = open(...)
    # do stuff

    In your case, I wouldn't use the with open syntax. If you have a list of filenames, then do something like this

    filenames = os.listdir(file_directory)
    open_files = map(open, filenames)
    # do stuff
    for f in open_files:

    If you really want to use the with open syntax, you can make your own context manager that accepts a list of filenames

    class MultipleFileManager(object):
        def __init__(self, files):
            self.files = files
        def __enter__(self):
            self.open_files = map(open, self.files)
            return self.open_files
        def __exit__(self):
            for f in self.open_files:

    And then use it like this:

    filenames = os.listdir(file_directory)
    with MulitpleFileManager(filenames) as files:
        for f in files:
            # do stuff

    The only advantage I see to using a context manager in this case is that you can't forget to close the files. But there is nothing wrong with manually closing the files. And remember, the os will reclaim its resources when your program exits anyway.

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  • 2020-12-11 12:44

    While not a solution for 2.7, I should note there is one good, correct solution for 3.3+, contextlib.ExitStack, which can be used to do this correctly (surprisingly difficult to get right when you roll your own) and nicely:

    from contextlib import ExitStack
    with open('source_dataset.txt') as src_file, ExitStack() as stack:
        files = [stack.enter_context(open(fname, 'w')) for fname in fname_list]
        ... do stuff with src_file and the values in files ...
    ... src_file and all elements in stack cleaned up on block exit ...

    Importantly, if any of the opens fails, all of the opens that succeeded prior to that point will be cleaned up deterministically; most naive solutions end up failing to clean up in that case, relying on the garbage collector at best, and in cases like lock acquisition where there is no object to collect, failing to ever release the lock.

    Posted here since this question was marked as the "original" for a duplicate that didn't specify Python version.

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