My data.frame looks like this
ID | test | test_result
1 | B | 10
2 | A | 9
3 | A | 11
4 | C | 7
5 | F | 5
Another solution using reshape
function in base
reshape(mydf, direction = 'wide', idvar = 'test', timevar = 'ID',
v.names = 'test_result', sep = "_")
EDIT. I see that you have already tried reshape
and it took too long. Can you provide more details on your actual data?
dcast from the reshape2 package does this:
dcast(data, test ~ ID , value_var = 'test_result' )
# test 1 2 3 4 5
#1 A NA 9 11 NA NA
#2 B 10 NA NA NA NA
#3 C NA NA NA 7 NA
#4 F NA NA NA NA 5