I need to plot a x-y function, that shows the histograms at x-values. Something similar to the bottom plot of the next figure:
Using 'Position'
of axes property
% generate "data"
m = rand( 40,10 );
[n x] = hist( m, 50 );
% the actual plotting
ma = axes('Position',[.1 .1 .8 .8] ); % "parent" axes
N = size(n,2); % number of vertical bars
for ii=1:N,
% create an axes inside the parent axes for the ii-the barh
sa = axes('Position', [0.1+(ii-1)*.8/N, 0.1, .8/N, .8]); % position the ii-th barh
barh( x, n(:,ii), 'Parent', sa);
axis off;