Creating desktop application using react and electron.I want to call method in main.js of electron from react component.In angular there was a npm package.
At your Renderer.js
const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron');
async function runCommand(cmd) {
const res = await ipcRenderer.sendSync('runCommand', cmd);
return res;
At you main.js
// Listen event through runCommand channel
// And return the result to Renderer.
ipcMain.on('runCommand', async (event, arg) => {
event.returnValue = await runCommand(arg);
This is the simplest way to communicate between main and renderer process.
But I think you are going to send the result from the main process to renderer using mainWindow.webContents.send('return-exe', '');
So this means, you are sending the result through return-exe
IPC channel from main to renderer. And you should listen event from this channel at your renderer. Like this
ipcRenderer.on('retrun-exe', (event, arg) => {
You can add this listener at your lifecycle functions. I was used to add this to componentDidMount()
But in your case, please add this to your useEffect()