I am runing Python 2.7.8 at Win 7 operation system. I am trying to communicate a USB device (Numato 32 channel GPIO device) by PyUSB.
I downloaded walac-pyusb-7071a
I did: - Download and install libusb-win32-devel-filter- It should work.
Pyusb on windows - no backend available
And really works for me.
I had this trouble, and i switched python libusb wrappers and its gone: https://github.com/vpelletier/python-libusb1
I had the same error, but I didn't succeed to use find_library
(TypeError: get_backend() got an unexpected keyword argument 'find_library'
I suppose, although you did not say it, that backend
is not valid (None
Do you have the libusb1 implementation in the path C:\Python27
? I suppose you didn't install it in the Python's folder and if so, there's your answer: PyUSB backend not accessible.
Otherwise, without using find_library
, you must have the libusb1 implementation available in the PATH
environment variable. I did it like this (you can replace os.getcwd()
with your location):
def get_backend_libusb01():
libusb01_location = os.getcwd()
# load-library (ctypes.util.find_library) workaround: also search the current folder
is_current_folder_in_search_path = True
if None == usb.backend.libusb0.get_backend():
is_current_folder_in_search_path = libusb01_location in os.environ['PATH']
if not is_current_folder_in_search_path:
os.environ['PATH'] += os.pathsep + libusb01_location
backend = usb.backend.libusb0.get_backend()
if not is_current_folder_in_search_path:
os.environ['PATH'] = os.environ['PATH'].replace(os.pathsep + libusb01_location, "")
return backend