I have a series of data that need to be written into SQL, what should I do to check the data in SQL to prevent same data inserted into table?
Example data to be inse
Try This Easy way
DataSet ds = New DataSet();
SqlConnection myCnn = New SqlConnection(cnn);
SqlCommand _Query = New SqlCommand("Select *FROM CamNo1 where platename='" + Console.ReadLine + "' ", myCnn);
SqlDataAdapter sda = New SqlDataAdapter(_Query);
Int i = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
If (i > 0) Then
MessageBox.Show("platename" + Console.WriteLine + "Already Exists ");
SqlConnection myCnn = New SqlConnection(cnn);
String _state = "Insert into CamNo1(platename, date, camID, path, filename) OUTPUT INSERTED.platename values(@msg, getdate(), @camID, @path, @filename)";
SqlCommand _Query = New SqlCommand(_state, myCnn);
_Query.Parameters.AddWithValue("@msg", msg);
_Query.Parameters.AddWithValue("@camID", camID);
_Query.Parameters.AddWithValue("@path", i`enter code here`mageFile`);
_Query.Parameters.AddWithValue("@filename", Name);
String checkname = (String)_Query.ExecuteScalar();
getcheckname = checkname;
Catch (Exception)
First, you can prevent a duplicate from ever occurring in the table by using a unique index or constraint. An index/constraint can work in concert with the suggestions below. If you only use a unique index and not one of the below solutions, inserting a duplicate record will throw an error and you will need to handle that on the other end.
Additionally, I would probably insert the data via a stored procedure that checks to see if the row already exists. To do that, you can use either a MERGE statement, as shown in this pseudo code:
create procedure MyProcedure
@Name nvarchar(100),
merge MyTable
select @Name,...
) as source (Name, ...)
on MyTable.Name = source.Name
when not matched then
insert (Name,...) values (source.Name,...)
when matched then
update set Name = @Name,...
or, you could check for the records existence and insert or update manually:
create procedure MyProcedure
@Name nvarchar(100),
if not exists (select * from MyTable where Name = @Name)
insert into MyTable (Name,...) values (@Name,...)
update MyTable
set ...
where Name = @Name
If you do not want duplicate data, you should consider enforcing that at the DB level with a UNIQUE CONSTRAINT or a UNIQUE INDEX
SQL Server 2008 also has a MERGE statement you could use to check for matched records. This could be helpful if you want to update an existing record.
If you want to prevent duplicate data from being inserted, you could use a unique index or unique constraint on those fields.
If you want to just run a hard insert statement, but have it do nothing if a value exists, something like this should work. I tested this on a local database I have:
declare @subject as varchar(100);
set @subject = 'hello'
insert into Subjects ([name])
select @subject
where not exists (select 1 from Subjects where [name] = @Subject)