How can I insert text/code at the cursors place in a div created by NicEdit?
I\'ve tried to read the documentation and create my own plugin, but I want it to work wi
Don't know if this will help or not, but this is the plugin I created for inserting Html at the cursor position. The button opens a content pane and I just paste in the html I want and submit. Works for me!
var nicMyhtmlOptions = {
buttons : {
'html' : {name : 'Insert Html', type : 'nicMyhtmlButton'}
},iconFiles : {'html' : '/nicedit/html_add.gif'}
var nicMyhtmlButton=nicEditorAdvancedButton.extend({
addPane: function () {
'': { type: 'title', txt: 'Insert Html' },
'code' : {type : 'content', 'value' : '', style : {width: '340px', height : '200px'}}
submit : function(e) {
var mycode = this.inputs['code'].value;
this.removePane();'insertHTML', mycode );
I used the html_add icon from Silk Icons, pasted onto a transparent 18 x 18 and saved as gif in the same folder as nicEditorIcons.gif.