I have a variable holding values separated by a comma (Implode), and I\'m trying to get the total count of the values in that variable. However. count() is just returning 1.
Should be
$result = count(explode(',',$schools));
You need to explode $schools
into an actual array:
$schools = $_SESSION['sarray'];
$schools_array = explode(",", $schools);
$result = count($schools_array);
if you just need the count, and are 100% sure it's a clean comma separated list, you could also use substr_count() which may be marginally faster and, more importantly, easier on memory with very large sets of data:
$result = substr_count( $_SESSION['sarray'], ",") +1;
// add 1 if list is always a,b,c;
If there is sarray
key set in session
array, the count will return 1 for an empty string as well.
$session = array('sarray' => '');
$count = count(explode(',', $session['sarray']));
echo $count;
// => 1
So, if you want to count the number of items in the array, you will have to add an additional check for empty
$session = array('sarray' => '');
$count = !empty($session['sarray']) ? count(explode(',', $session['sarray'])) : 0;
echo $count;
// => 0
Now, let's check if this works with items inside sarray
$session = array('sarray' => 'foo, bar');
$count = !empty($session['sarray']) ? count(explode(',', $session['sarray'])) : 0;
echo $count;
// => 2
Hope this helps.
$schools = $_SESSION['sarray'];
$array = explode(',', $schools); array_walk($array, 'trim');
$count = count($array);
The array_walk($array, 'trim')
will remove any trailing space in elements value. :)
Actually, its simpler than that:
$count = substr_count($schools, ',') + 1;