Hi im trying to get group wall feeds , im using desktop application to get all the feeds but after 3 https api calls im getting :
For my case, I actually did it this way:
I have tried several ways, and I got the invalid OAuth access token error too. After getting my page access token using the Graph Explorer, I wrote this code:
pagetoken = 'EAAOSZBmdTKBMBAIf1FrTGmapagVZAvwdlrwSWNc3EZCOTXQ90Im9u'
mylikes = "https://graph.facebook.com/me?fields=likes.summary(true)&access_token"+pagetoken
I then noticed an equal sign was missing, and that fixed my invalid OAuth access token error.
pagetoken = 'EAAOSZBmdTKBMBAIf1FrTGmapagVZAvwdlrwSWNc3EZCOTXQ90Im9u'
mylikes = "https://graph.facebook.com/me?fields=likes.summary(true)&access_token="+pagetoken
I hope it helps anyone with the same issue.
You do not have proper authentication set. See: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/
That happened to me for hours:
facebook-graph-api Getting “Invalid OAuth access token.”
In my case, the application was re-directing to a local address, and the URL authorized by Facebook was not local, so Facebook was not login me in.
The access_token for the user I was using was some old access_token kept in the script by window.sessionStorage. So I thought I was using the right access_token, but I was not.