I can\'t get the h2o to work in my R. It shows the following error. Have no clue what it means. Previously it gave me an error because I didn\'t have Java 64 bit version. I
So if anyone else is facing the same issue.
My recommendation (after spending about over 10 hours trying to figure this out (worth mentioning)) is check your version of java.
If it's higher than 8 then either keep it remove it.
I removed it because I didn't want to deal with setting the JAVA Home function in R and to reduce work.
Make sure you install Java 7 or 8 but a 64 bit version. h2o
doesn't work if you have 32 bit.
Then voila! Just go ahead and type install.package('h2o')
in your rstudio.
I wanted to be extra careful in my final attempt of this so unloaded and uninstalled the library because I had installed it before and then installed it again and then loaded it using library(h2o)
and then h20.init()
worked just fine.
Based on the error message and the troubleshooting we carried out in the comments, it seems that you are using a version of Java (Java 1.9) which is too new for your version of H2O.
Your 2 options seem to be:
Note that on the main documentation page of H2O v3 it says:
Java 7 or later. Note: Java 9 is not yet released and is not currently supported.
But at the same time they usually have several Beta and Alpha development branches going, so you might find one of those that works with Java 9.