According to iOS\'s Using and Creating Error Objects, one can display a error object with the following code.
NSError *theError = nil;
BOOL success = [myDoc
NSAlert isn't availble in UIKit. the example it just an copy past of the OS X doc.
This code in Listing 2-1 uses the returned NSError to display an error alert to the user immediately. (UIAlertView, the UIKit class corresponding to NSAlert, has no equivalent method for alertWithError:.) Error objects in the Cocoa domain are always localized and ready to present to users, so they can often be presented without further evaluation.
That document is referring to the (OS X) AppKit framework. Right after that box, it says:
(UIAlertView, the UIKit class corresponding to NSAlert, has no equivalent method for alertWithError:.)
You can still use UIAlertView
, but you'll need to manually populate the title, message, and button strings from the error.
Its in the AppKit framework. NSAlert
Import that framework to your project in xcode, then use the #include directive at the top of your code
there are also some samples of using NSAlert if you go to that page and look at the "Sample Code". I always do that if I'm unsure of any part of a new framework