I am reading a file via the BufferedReader
String filename = ...
br = new BufferedReader( new FileInputStream(filename));
while (true) {
String s = br.re
Maybe you could use Scanner
You can pass regular expressions to Scanner#useDelimiter()
to set custom delimiter.
String regex="(\r)?\n";
String filename=....;
Scanner scan = new Scanner(new FileInputStream(filename));
while (scan.hasNext()) {
String str= scan.next();
// todo
You could use this code below to convert BufferedReader
to Scanner
new Scanner(bufferedReader);
After reading the java docs (I confess to being a pythonista), it seems that there isn't a clean way to determine the line-end encoding used in a specific file.
The best thing I can recommended is that you use BufferedReader.read()
and iterate over every character in the file. Something like this:
String filename = ...
br = new BufferedReader( new FileInputStream(filename));
while (true) {
String l = "";
Char c = " ";
while (true){
c = br.read();
if not c == "\n"{
// do stuff, not sure what you want with the endl encoding
// break to return endl-free line
if not c == "\r"{
// do stuff, not sure what you want with the endl encoding
// break to return endl-free line
Char ctwo = ' '
ctwo = br.read();
if ctwo == "\n"{
// do extra stuff since you know that you've got a \r\n
l = l + c;
if (l == null) break;
l = "";
If you happen to be reading this file into a Swing text component then you can just use the JTextComponent.read(...) method to load the file into the Document. Then you can use:
textComponent.getDocument().getProperty( DefaultEditorKit.EndOfLineStringProperty );
to get actual EOL string that was used in the file.