Since I added the following code, every time my app opens this UITableViewController
it crashes:
self.noArticlesView = [[UIView alloc] init];
[self.view layoutIfNeeded]
Hope this helps
Checkout "Auto Layout still required after executing -layoutSubviews" with UITableViewCell subclass as the question appears to be the same.
I was able to implement the category mentioned in one of the answers which solved the problem for me. However, I had to create the category on the UITableView
class instead of the UITableViewCell
class as is discussed in that particular answer.
Had the same problem. Added view(s) to self.tableView and used constraints. Do not add the views to the table view via addSubview: but add them as header(s), footer(s) or cells.
I was subclassing UIScrollView and received the same error message on iOS 7 (but not 8).
I was overriding layoutSubviews in a manner similar to the following:
- (void)layoutSubviews {
[super layoutSubviews];
// code to scroll the view
I resolved the issue by moving the call to super's layoutSubviews to be the last thing in the method:
- (void)layoutSubviews {
// code to scroll the view
[super layoutSubviews];
for me is was this
self.tableView.backgroundView = self.emptyView;
I changed to this
NSComparisonResult order = [[UIDevice currentDevice].systemVersion compare: @"8.0" options: NSNumericSearch];
if (order == NSOrderedSame || order == NSOrderedDescending) {
// OS version >= 8.0
self.tableView.backgroundView = self.emptyView;
[self.tableView.backgroundView addSubview:self.emptyView];
I unchecked auto layout on the view controller the crash is not occurring now