I have a problem with angular ng-repeat directive. Currently I work on some project where from the API I get a list of items (some times it could be 1k items) and this list
As the comment suggested you could try something like this:
<select ng-model="item" ng-options="item.id as item.description for item in items track by itemTracker(item)">
In your controller:
$scope.itemTracker= function(item) {
return item.id + '-' + item.description;
This might help with the number of DOM elements being re-rendered when the list changes.
You do not need to create a function to handle track by multi properties. You can do:
<div ng-repeat="item in lines track by item.id+item.description">
Based my knowledge, the angularjs model is bind to the ui view, so the model will rerender via $apply or $digest once the value changed. so in your case, u wan bind the model value to ui view but also do not want to re-render the view if the value has not change,that is impossbile. this is what i know.
however, u can just manipulate the dom element. for example store the data to a variable
var x = [{id:"id1",value:"v1"},{id:"id2",value:"v2"}]
in html, manual append or using directive to append, then assign the id to the element,
<div id="id1">v1</div>
check and compare the value, based ur needs. once found, then angular.element("#yourid").text()
this will solve your browser resources consume problems.