I would like to change the background color of the view that appears on the bottom of the new iPhone X with a home indicator inside.
Is it possible?
The home indicator (line) colour is set automatically based on the content below it, often the root view background.
To change the background colour use this:
self.window.rootViewController.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithWhite:0.98 alpha:1.0] ;
The home indicator color is determined automatically based on the color of the content below it.
Most of the time, this means you should not worry about its color since it is out of your control, and will always be clearly visible to users.
However, you can place a colored view in the area behind the home indicator to manipulate its color.
(Please note that these examples were taken on the iOS simulator, and behavior on a real device is different.)
Background: white (#ffffff
Home Indicator: black (#000000
Background: black (#000000
Home Indicator: gray (#484848
Background: gray (#5f5f5f
Home Indicator: dark gray (#282828
Background: blue (#1a98fc
Home Indicator: very dark gray (#121212
I wrote an in-depth article about the home indicator color if you want to learn more about its behavior: Reverse-Engineering the iPhone X Home Indicator Color
You can add some negative distance between a colored view's bottom and the safe area's bottom.