Since the 7th of February all my tests are failing with the same error; the log entry reads:
RESPONSE MaximizeWindow unknown error: cannot get automation ext
I had the same issue. Just downloaded the latest release of chromedriver and that solved the problem.
update your protractor and run your test cases it will start executing, there are few new stuff added from Protractor, this method worked for me.
update protractor - npm install -g protractor update webdrvier - webdriver-manager update
With the last headless version, you can't resize the window as there isn't any window anymore.
For my own case, I was experiencing this issue with behat, I used to resize the window with previous versions of chrome of firefox, I surround the following line:
$this->getSession()->resizeWindow(1600, 1200, 'current');
with a simple check on the driver:
if (($this->getSession()->getDriver() instanceof Selenium2Driver)) {
$this->getSession()->resizeWindow(1600, 1200, 'current');