I have multiple audio files in the assets directory of my application. When the user clicks a button I want to play those files in a certain order, one after the other. Ther
Check this, these classes can play mp3 urls one after another, i created them roughly at some point,and can be tweaked for playing from asset........
create raw folder in res directory and put your sound file there
Now... Use PlayMedia Like this
int[] soundIDs = {R.raw.yes, R.raw.eat};
PlayMedia playAudio = new PlayMedia(context,soundIDs);
and define PlayMedia Class Like this
import android.content.Context;
import android.media.MediaPlayer;
import android.media.MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener;
import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.util.Log;
public class PlayMedia extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {
private static final String LOG_TAG = PlayMedia.class.getSimpleName();
Context context;
private MediaPlayer mediaPlayer;
int[] soundIDs;
int idx =1;
public PlayMedia(MediaPlayer mediaPlayer) {
this.mediaPlayer = mediaPlayer;
public PlayMedia(final Context context, final int[] soundIDs) {
this.context = context;
mediaPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(context,soundIDs[0]);
public void setNextMediaForMediaPlayer(MediaPlayer player){
player.setOnCompletionListener(new OnCompletionListener() {
public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer mp) {
mp = MediaPlayer.create(context,soundIDs[idx]);
protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "", e);
} catch (SecurityException e) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "", e);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "", e);
return null;
you are on the right way, don't need a lot of OnCompletionListener´s.
//define a variable to be used as index.
int audioindex = 0;
//Extract the files into an array
String[] files = null;
files = assetManager.list("audiofiles");
then in your OnCompletionListener.
mp.setOnCompletionListener(new OnCompletionListener(){
// @Override
public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer arg0) {
// File has ended, play the next one.
audioindex+=1; //increment the index to get the next audiofile