The idea is to get a data from another source in certain cases, so I have this stub:
factory(\"interceptor\", function ($q, $location, $http) {
return fu
After reviewing the Angular source code the better answer is such. $http method is accessible without dependency injection so the trick is to NOT INJECT $http and to simply use it. Like such:
Right Way
retryModule = angular.module('retry-call', [])
# Do not inject $http
retryModule.factory 'RetryCall', ($q)->
# More object keys
'responseError': (response)=>
# Just use $http without injecting it
retryModule.config ['$httpProvider', ($httpProvider)->
Wrong Way
# Do not do it this way.
retryModule.factory 'RetryCall', ($q,$http)->
to interceptor
:Use it to get $http
inside the returned object within callback functions.
Here is an example
app.config(function ($httpProvider) {
app.factory("interceptor", function ($q, $location, $injector) {
return {
request: function(config){
var $http = $injector.get('$http');
return config;