I\'m trying to run the code below to insert a whole lot of records (from a file with a weird file format) into my Access 2003 database from VBA. After many, many experiment
Unless you must do this with ADO, try DAO instead. Here are the times on my laptop with your procedure and a DAO version:
starting loop 9:51:59 PM
done loop 9:52:00 PM
done update 9:52:54 PM
starting loop 9:58:29 PM
done loop 9:58:31 PM
done update 9:58:31 PM
This is the DAO version I used.
Sub TestBatchUpdateDAO()
CurrentDb.Execute "create table testy (x int, y int)"
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("testy", dbOpenTable, dbAppendOnly)
Dim i As Long
Debug.Print "starting loop", Time
For i = 1 To 10000
rs!x = 50
rs!y = 55
Next i
Debug.Print "done loop", Time
'rs.UpdateBatch '
Debug.Print "done update", Time
Set rs = Nothing
CurrentDb.Execute "drop table testy"
End Sub