We use TFS 2010 with VS 2010 for PHP web projects. Actually we do not have any .proj or .sln file, so i have made my own to make builds, it looks like this:
To run AfterBuild
<DefaultTargets="AfterBuild" />
<Target Name="Build" DependsOnTargets="Zip">
<Target Name="AfterBuild" DependsOnTargets="Build">
For me is not clear why Zip
target should be executed before the Build
You have to update template file defaultTemplate.XAML
by adding manually BuildNumber to the MSBuild command line so command Line would be like:
<mtbwa:MSBuild CommandLineArguments="[String.Format("
/p:BuildNumber={1} {0}",
BuildDetail.BuildNumber)]" />
See the original article regarding this trick: TFS2010 – Where is $(BuildNumber)?