You could use coffee script, which has a fat arrow (used for onclick function) to deal with this kind of thing, and compiles to well formed javascript. By using fat arrow, coffee script ensures the same scope as the function is defined in will be used in the callback function.
play with code here
Coffee Script
someObj = () ->
@someMethod1 = () ->
elementBtn = document.getElementById 'myBtn'
elementBtn.onclick = () =>
this.someMethod2 = () ->
alert 'OK'
var someObj;
var __bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; };
someObj = function() {
this.someMethod1 = function() {
var elementBtn;
elementBtn = document.getElementById('myBtn');
return elementBtn.onclick = __bind(function() {
return this.someMethod2();
}, this);
return this.someMethod2 = function() {
return alert('OK');