I am trying to clone an entity-object to a different table in Symfony 2 / Doctrine. Any idea how to do this?
After retrieving the object from the database I can clon
But then you're not really cloning an entity. In fact, you want a different entity. What do the two entities look like? Do they have the same fields? You could do something like this:
$oldEntity = $oldEntity;
$newEntity = new NewEntity();
$oldReflection = new \ReflectionObject($oldEntity);
$newReflection = new \ReflectionObject($newEntity);
foreach ($oldReflection->getProperties() as $property) {
if ($newReflection->hasProperty($property->getName())) {
$newProperty = $newReflection->getProperty($property->getName());
$newProperty->setValue($newEntity, $property->getValue($oldEntity));
This is untested - and may have an error or two, but this should allow all properties to be copied from one object to another (assuming the properties have the same name on both objects).