I\'m writing a quick preg_replace to strip comments from CSS. CSS comments usually have this syntax:
/* Development Classes*/
/* Un-comment me for easy testi
Just for fun(and small project of course) I made a non-regexp version of a such code (I hope it's faster):
function removeCommentFromCss( $textContent )
$clearText = "";
$charsInCss = strlen( $textContent );
$searchForStart = true;
for( $index = 0; $index < $charsInCss; $index++ )
if ( $searchForStart )
if ( $textContent[ $index ] == "/" && (( $index + 1 ) < $charsInCss ) && $textContent[ $index + 1 ] == "*" )
$searchForStart = false;
$clearText .= $textContent[ $index ];
if ( $textContent[ $index ] == "*" && (( $index + 1 ) < $charsInCss ) && $textContent[ $index + 1 ] == "/" )
$searchForStart = true;
return $clearText;
I don't believe you can use grouping within a negated character class like you have there. What you're going to want to use is called Assertions, of which there are two types. "look-ahead" and "look-behind".
The pattern you're looking for in English is basically, "forward slash, literal wildcard, anything that isn't followed by a forward slash or anything other than a literal wildcard that is followed by a forward slash or a forward slash that isn't preceded by a literal wildcard zero or more times, literal wild card, forward slash"
$str = '/* one */ onemore
* a
* b
stuff // single line
preg_match_all('#/\*(?:.(?!/)|[^\*](?=/)|(?<!\*)/)*\*/#s', $str, $matches);
Here's a solution:
$regex = array(
$buffer = preg_replace(array_keys($regex),$regex,$buffer);
Taken from the Script/Stylesheet Pre-Processor in Samstyle PHP Framework
See: http://code.google.com/p/samstyle-php-framework/source/browse/trunk/sp.php
$buffer = file_get_contents('test.css');
$regex = array(
$buffer = preg_replace(array_keys($regex),$regex,$buffer);
echo $buffer;
/* testing to remove this */
Output of csstest.php:
I had the same issue. To solve it, I first simplified the code by replacing "/ASTERIX" and "ASTERIX/" with different identifiers and then used those as the start and end markers.
$code = str_replace("/*","_COMSTART",$code);
$code = str_replace("*/","COMEND_",$code);
$code = preg_replace("/_COMSTART.*?COMEND_/s","",$code);
The /s flag tells the search to go onto new lines