Hello I am writing my first angular test with Jasmine but I keep getting the error
------ Test started: File: C:\\Users\\Regan\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2013\\WebSit
You haven't defined scope anywhere to pass into the controller
describe("MainCtrl with inline mock", function () {
var ctrl, mockDataSrv;
beforeEach(module(function($provide) {
mockDataSrv = {
labels: ["Reading", "Coding", "Thinking About Coding", "Reddit", "StackOverflow"],
data: [500, 300, 300, 40, 220],
type: "PolarArea",
title: "Angular Chart Expriment"
$provide.value("DataSrv", mockDataSrv);
var scope; //<--- define scope
beforeEach(inject(function ($controller, $rootScope) {
scope = $rootScope.$new(); //<--- initialize scope
ctrl = $controller("MainCtrl", {$scope: scope}); //<--- inject scope
it("should have lables", function () {
Since there is no $scope
service, $controller
provider cannot instantiate the injected $scope
You need to provide the scope while instantiating a controller using the $controller
provider. You can inject $rootScope
in your setUp and you can get a child scope by doing $rootScope.$new()
. Inject it as an argument to the $controller
contstructor. i.e $controller("MainCtrl", {$scope:scope })
where scope is the new child scope of even you can pass in the $rootScope.
var ctrl, mockDataSrv, scope;
//... Your code
beforeEach(inject(function ($controller, $rootScope) {
scope = $rootScope.$new(); //get a childscope
ctrl = $controller("MainCtrl", {$scope:scope }); //Pass it as argument as $scope's value