I\'m coding against an API that gives me access to remote file system. The API returns a list of files and directories as list of node objects (parent to file and directory)
What you want to do is essentially: iterate over all elements of workarea.getChildren()
that are of type CSDir
(in other words: matching some criteria). Ordinary loop/for comprehension iterates over all elements. You cannot say: iterate over all elements having this type and skip others. You must be more explicit.
What do you think about:
workarea.getChildren() collect {case dir: CSDir => dir} foreach println
It does exactly what you want: collect all elements of workarea.getChildren()
and for each of them call println
How about this:
val listOfBaseObjects: List[Any] = List[Any]("a string", 1:Integer);
for (x <- listOfBaseObjects if x.isInstanceOf[String]) {
This is the long-standing issue 900 and has been discussed many times before. The common workaround is to use something like:
for (y@(_y:String) <- listOfBaseObjects) {
A nicer version is provided by Jason Zaugg in the comments to the above-mentioned ticket:
object Typed { def unapply[A](a: A) = Some(a) }
for (Typed(y : String) <- listOfBaseObjects) {