This question has been answered already but I thought I would add my solution to the mix. I like this better than the accepted solution because its a bit more to the point.
$content =
preg_replace(array('"<a href(.*?)>"', '"</a>"'), array('',''), $content);
Then you can try
I tried it online here on rubular
You are looking for strip_tags().
// outputs 'google'
echo strip_tags('<a href="" target="_blank">google</a>');
using regex:
Have a try with:
$str = '<p>paragraph</p><a href="" target="_blank" title="<>">google -> foo</a><div>In the div</div>';
// first, extract anchor tag
preg_match("~<a .*?</a>~", $str, $match);
// then strip the HTML tags
echo strip_tags($match[0]),"\n";
google -> foo
Exactly, it cannot be done properly using a regular expression.
Here is an example using DOM :
$xml = new DOMDocument();
$links = $xml->getElementsByTagName('a');
//Loop through each <a> tags and replace them by their text content
for ($i = $links->length - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$linkNode = $links->item($i);
$lnkText = $linkNode->textContent;
$newTxtNode = $xml->createTextNode($lnkText);
$linkNode->parentNode->replaceChild($newTxtNode, $linkNode);
It's important to loop backward whenever changes will be made to the DOM.