I have the following entities:
@DiscriminatorColumn(name=\"orderType\", discriminatorType=Discrim
What is the JPQL syntax for finding only entities that are not instances of RecurringOrderEntity?
Use an entity type expression with the TYPE
operator. Something like this (not sure about the exact query you want but you get the idea):
FROM OrderEntity o
WHERE TYPE(o) <> RecurringOrderEntity
AND o.cancellationDate is null
AND o.maxOccurrences = o.occurrence
Below, the relevant section of the JPA 2.0 specification: Entity Type Expressions
An entity type expression can be used to restrict query polymorphism. The TYPE operator returns the exact type of the argument.
The syntax of an entity type expression is as follows:
entity_type_expression ::= type_discriminator | entity_type_literal | input_parameter type_discriminator ::= TYPE(identification_variable | single_valued_object_path_expression | input_parameter )
An entity_type_literal is designated by the entity name.
The Java class of the entity is used as an input parameter to specify the entity type.
SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE TYPE(e) IN (Exempt, Contractor) SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE TYPE(e) IN (:empType1, :empType2) SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE TYPE(e) IN :empTypes SELECT TYPE(e) FROM Employee e WHERE TYPE(e) <> Exempt