How to show spinner in angular 6

前端 未结 3 1035
伪装坚强ぢ 2020-12-10 13:40

I am new to angular and web development but able to design various web pages and got data from the server using HTTP client module.

While getting data from server I

  • 2020-12-10 14:06

    You can use ng4-loading-spinner

    Execute npm i ng4-loading-spinner --save

    Import module to your application root module

    import { Ng4LoadingSpinnerModule } from 'ng4-loading-spinner';

    Make an import entry

     imports: [ Ng4LoadingSpinnerModule.forRoot() ]

    Include spinner component to your root level component.

    <ng4-loading-spinner> </ng4-loading-spinner>

    use show() and hide() inside subscribe callback

    import { Ng4LoadingSpinnerService } from 'ng4-loading-spinner';
            private spinnerService: Ng4LoadingSpinnerService
        ) { }
        userLogin() {
                console.log('logging in');
                this.eService.signIn(this.user_name, this.password)
                    data => {
                       this.admin = data;
                       if ( this.admin.firstLogin === true) {
                           // go to update admin password
                       } else {
                       localStorage.setItem('isLoggedin', 'true');

    Live Demo

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  • 2020-12-10 14:11

    Add the spinner into your HTML code, like so:

    <img *ngIf="loading" src="assets/my-spinner.gif" /> <!-- Or use a CSS one if you like -->

    Then, in your Typescript, you need to create a variable called loading, and set it like so:

    userLogin() {
        console.log('logging in');
        this.loading = true; // Add this line
        this.eService.signIn(this.user_name, this.password)
            data => {
               this.loading = false; // And this one
               this.admin = data;
               if ( this.admin.firstLogin === true) {
                   // go to update admin password
               } else {
               localStorage.setItem('isLoggedin', 'true');

    This will set loading to true while the service is in action

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  • 2020-12-10 14:23

    For those who still search for loading spinner in angular, please feel free to look at:

    • if you need only initial loading just have a look: How To Style Angular Application Loading With Angular CLI Like a Boss by Tomas.

    • if you would like to check all the four ways of loading spinner here you go:

      The Four ways to Create Loading Spinners in an Angular App by Cristian.

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