I want to find 10 digit numbers with no repeat digits, for example:
1123456789 //fail, there are two 1\'s
6758951230 //fail, there are two 5\'s
6789012345 //
Here's the shortest and efficient regex with less backtracking due to the presence of a ?
Works for any length of input:
!/(.).*?\1/.test(1234567890) // true
!/(.).*?\1/.test(1234567490) // false - note that it also works for repeated chars which are not adjacent.
- checks for repeated digits
- opposite of what you want, because rubular doesn't allow a !
Works every time (I see this question) -
Revised to define Grp 10 before the (?! \10 )
assertion. \1-\9 are always considered backrefs (> \10, the parenth's must be before it is referenced).
So made them all the same as well.
Note- this can be used to find a floating (substring) 10 uinque digit number. Requires no anchors.
Fyi - With Perl, the \g{#}
(or \k'name'
) syntax could be used before the group is defined, no matter what number the group number is.
# "(?:((?!\\1)1)|((?!\\2)2)|((?!\\3)3)|((?!\\4)4)|((?!\\5)5)|((?!\\6)6)|((?!\\7)7)|((?!\\8)8)|((?!\\9)9)|((?!\\10)0)){10}"
( # (1)
(?! \1 )
| ( # (2)
(?! \2 )
| ( # (3)
(?! \3 )
| ( # (4)
(?! \4 )
| ( # (5)
(?! \5 )
| ( # (6)
(?! \6 )
| ( # (7)
(?! \7 )
| ( # (8)
(?! \8 )
| ( # (9)
(?! \9 )
| ( # (10)
(?! \10 )
This regex works:
This uses an anchored negative look ahead with a back reference to assert that there are no repeating characters.
See a live demo working with your examples.
In java:
if (str.matches("^(?!.*(.).*\\1)\\d{10}"))
// number passes
Try this one (?:([0-9])(?!.*\1)){10}
, this will work if you're validating numbers one at a time.
This should work (?:([0-9])(?!\d*\1)){10}
to search for each occurance of an unique 10-digit sequence, but it will fail with 12345678901234567890
, will find the last valid part 1234567890
instead of ignoring it.
Source and explanations: https://stackoverflow.com/a/12870549/1366360
lancemanfv regex reference https://stackoverflow.com/a/12870549/1366360 is a great one, but the suggested regex is slightly off.
Instead try
This will match any string that begins and ends with 10 digits that are all different.
If you want to check (and extract) if a longer string contains a 10 digit number with each number different use this
You can then use a numbered reference to extract the matching number