How to execute a script when the custom element is upgraded

前端 未结 2 351
傲寒 2020-12-10 13:17

I have defined a custom element and I want to execute a script only when the custom element is upgraded to its registered type. The use case is that I must call a custom met

  • 2020-12-10 13:47

    Load the dependency via an import in your custom element module. For example, a custom element module (e.g.something.mjs) which depends on Highcharts:

    import '/node_modules/highcharts/highcharts.js'
    class Something extends HTMLElement {}
    customElements.define('x-something', Something)
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-10 13:51

    Sync HTML Import

    As suggested by @dandavis, because of the sync default behaviour of the <link> and <script> elements, you just have to put your tags in the right order: registration before method call.

    Or instead you can call your custom method when the DOMContentLoaded or the window.onload event is fired, as below:

    window.onload = function() 
        var project_list = document.getElementsByTagName("project-list")[0]
      "use strict";
      var currentScript = document._currentScript || document.currentScript;
      class ProjectList extends HTMLElement {
        custom_method(data) {
          console.log("custom_method() OK");
          this.innerHTML = data;
      document.registerElement("project-list", ProjectList);

    Async HTML Import

    If for some reasons you want to load your HTML Import file asynchronousely, you can wait for the link.onload event. At this time the |<script> inside the import has been already exectued, the custom element registered and created.

        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <link rel="import" href="projectList.html" id="projectList" async>
        projectList.onload = function ()
          console.log( "import {loaded}" )
          var project_list = document.getElementsByTagName( "project-list" )[0]
        <project-list id="pl"></project-list>
            console.warn( "custom_method is " + pl.custom_method ) //undefined

    With WebComponents.js polyfill

    In this situation the polyfill won't instantiate the created object immediately after the import is loaded. Instead you should listen to the WebComponentsReady event:

    document.addEventListener( "WebComponentsReady", function ()
        console.log( "WebComponentsReady" )
        var project_list = document.getElementsByTagName( "project-list" )[0]
        project_list.custom_method( "some_data" )
    } )

    It works with Firefox, IE 11, and also with Chrome.

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