What is the fastest way to determine if a dict contains a key starting with a particular string? Can we do better than linear? How can we achieve an O(1) operation when we o
Without preprocessing the dict, O(n)
is the best you can do. It doesn't have to be complicated, though:
any(key.startswith(mystr) for key in mydict)
(Don't use dict
and str
as variable names, those are already the names of two built-in functions.)
If you can preprocess the dict, consider putting the keys in a prefix tree (aka trie). There is even a Python implementation in the Wikipedia article.
You could put all the prefixes of the inserted keys to the dict, so for key foo
you would insert f
, fo
and foo
. You would have O(1) lookup, but you would spend time on preprocessing (O(k), where k is a key length), and waste lots of memory:
def insert_with_prefixes(key, value, dict_):
prefixes = (key[:i+1] for i in xrange(len(key)))
dict_.update((prefix, value) for prefix in prefixes)
For everyday use I would go (and I go) with the method in arshajii's answer. And of course, have in mind possible many collisions for short prefixes (here: "h"
>>> a = {}
>>> insert_with_prefixes('hello', 'world', a)
>>> insert_with_prefixes('homo', 'sapiens', a)
>>> a
{'h': 'sapiens', 'hom': 'sapiens', 'homo': 'sapiens', 'ho': 'sapiens',
'hel': 'world', 'hell': 'world', 'hello': 'world', 'he': 'world'}