I\'m creating a GAE application.
When I set my GAE PHP application as an authorized application to access my Cloud SQL instance, I get the following warning:
You can get the AppId from the runtime environment:
or Python:
where the prefixes as mentioned by @Ilya and @Nikita still apply:
prefixed with e~ means EU and s~ means US.
P.S. It looks like both the dev consoles have been updated to get the App ID from elsewhere, so they don't have this prefix.
You can use gcloud app describe --project <projectId>
command to get the location.
You cannot change an app's region after you set it.
Refer here.
For example:
$ gcloud app describe --project myapp-1337
authDomain: gmail.com
codeBucket: staging.myapp-1337.appspot.com
defaultBucket: myapp-1337.appspot.com
defaultHostname: myapp-1337.appspot.com
splitHealthChecks: true
gcrDomain: us.gcr.io
id: myapp-1337
locationId: us-central
name: apps/myapp-1337
servingStatus: SERVING
You can see the location of your application at [1].
Regarding changing the region, please see [2] for more information.
[1] - https://appengine.google.com/
[2] - Change GAE application location
Update: EU app creation is now possible from the new Developers console and doesn't require whitelist / premier status. Looks like Location tab will only show in the GAE console if account was whitelisted / Premier. A way to find app location is still in the old GAE console -> from the list click on the app to go to the dashboard -> if you see e~ in the link after app_id=, your app is in EU, else if you see s~ your app is in the US.
Another alternative is to use gcloud command suggested by Ilya Zakreuski below.