I have a table with ~150 columns. I\'d like to find the count(distinct(colName))
for each column but am wondering if there\'s a way to do so without actually t
You can do this:
DECLARE @query varchar(max)
SELECT @query =
'SELECT ' + SUBSTRING((SELECT ',' +'COUNT(DISTINCT(' + column_name + '))
As ' + column_name + ' '
FROM information_schema.columns
table_name = 'table_name'
for xml path('')),2,200000) + 'FROM table_name'
I don't believe this is possible with just MySQL. I would think your going to have to use a server side language to get the results you want.
Use "DESC TABLE" as your first query and then for each "field" row, compile your query.
Ignore this, wrong system tag :)
This should do:
select count(*) from (select distinct * from myTable) as t
Here is SQL Fiddle test.
create table Data
Id int,
Data varchar(50)
insert into Data
select 1, 'ABC'
union all
select 1, 'ABC'
select count(*)
from (select distinct * from Data) as t
Expanded answer from Bryan. His great answer lists the fields alphabetically.
This is no problem if you have a dozen fields or so. If you have 150 fields, like OP stated, this keeps the fields in their table's order.
I modified his query in order to examine a 213 column (vendor's) table and wanted to post for future reference.
DECLARE @Table SYSNAME = 'Your table name; without schema; no square brackets';
-- REVERSE and STUFF used to remove trailing UNION in string
+ CAST(column_id AS VarChar(4)) + ' AS [column_id],' -- extra column
+ '''' + name
+ ''' AS [Column], COUNT(DISTINCT('
+ QUOTENAME(name) + ')) AS [Count] FROM '
+ QUOTENAME(@Table) + ' UNION '
-- get column name from sys.columns
FROM sys.columns
WHERE system_type_id NOT IN (34,240) AND object_id = Object_id(@Table)
ORDER BY column_id -- keeps columns in table order
-- concatenate result strings with FOR XML PATH
FOR XML PATH (''))), 1, 7, ';'));
I decided to not edit Bryan's answer because often people won't need the extra column.
(The ORDER BY has no effect if you don't add the column_id column. I believe this is because only the outermost ORDER BY is guarenteed to order the final output; I'd love to have a msft reference that confirms this)
EDIT: Using function Count with field types Image and Geography throws error.
Added "system_type_id NOT IN (34,240)".
Use the below script to build T-SQL query that will return a distinct count of each column in a table. Replace @Table
value with your table name.
DECLARE @Table SYSNAME = 'TableName';
-- REVERSE and STUFF used to remove trailing UNION in string
+ ''' AS [Column], COUNT(DISTINCT('
+ QUOTENAME(name) + ')) AS [Count] FROM '
+ QUOTENAME(@Table) + ' UNION '
-- get column name from sys.columns
FROM sys.columns
WHERE object_id = Object_id(@Table)
-- concatenate result strings with FOR XML PATH
FOR XML PATH (''))), 1, 7, ';'));