I have about 70 excel files I want to combine into a single document. Each document has only one sheet and follows this format:
Ok, it's a few days later, but you can thank the weekend for that. Take a look at this and see how you like it.
#Get a list of files to copy from
$Files = GCI 'C:\Users\Matt\Documents\Excel Test' | ?{$_.Extension -Match "xlsx?"} | select -ExpandProperty FullName
#Launch Excel, and make it do as its told (supress confirmations)
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$Excel.Visible = $True
$Excel.DisplayAlerts = $False
#Open up a new workbook
$Dest = $Excel.Workbooks.Add()
#Loop through files, opening each, selecting the Used range, and only grabbing the first 6 columns of it. Then find next available row on the destination worksheet and paste the data
ForEach($File in $Files[0..4]){
$Source = $Excel.Workbooks.Open($File,$true,$true)
If(($Dest.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Count -eq 1) -and ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Dest.ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Value2))){ #If there is only 1 used cell and it is blank select A1
[void]$source.ActiveSheet.Range("A1","F$(($Source.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows|Select -Last 1).Row)").Copy()
}Else{ #If there is data go to the next empty row and select Column A
[void]$source.ActiveSheet.Range("A2","F$(($Source.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows|Select -Last 1).Row)").Copy()
[void]$Dest.ActiveSheet.Range("A$(($Dest.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows|Select -last 1).row+1)").Select()
$Dest.SaveAs("C:\Users\Matt\Documents\Excel Test\Book1.xlsx",51)
That'll get a list of excel files, open Excel and create a new document, then cycle through the list of files, opening them, selecting Columns A-F, copying those columns, going back to the new workbook and selecting the next available row, and pasting the data from the other workbook. Then it closes that file and moves on to the next one. At the end it saves your workbook with all the data and closes excel.